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Life After Prison


Today Dennis lives a comfortable quiet life near Houston, Texas.


His health does not allow him to
pursue some of his activities of prior years.

Most would not be able to handle life outside of bars after spending
most of it inside of them. With Dennis this was not the case


Got a loan for $20K to buy VHS videotapes which he leveraged into a trading business


He opened International Videos with loans of $75K and then $100K, which he repaid quickly from cash flow


His stores competed head-to-head with Blockbuster


He became friends with the president of the bank he once robbed, the vice chairman of one of the largest banks in the US, executives with Pepsi, entertainers, newspaper reporters, and many other common individuals


A tough divorce, theft from individuals that Dennis trusted, and the economy had an impact on Dennis” lifestyle of magnificent parties, expensive cars, houses, boats and toys


After he sold his business in the late 1990s, he was still well off and was able to live off of what he had made


He continued As relationship with The Pepsi Bottling Group for over a decade through his marketing company, Texas Imagineering Ideas


He bought and sold stocks (day-trading) often making, and sometimes losing, tens of thousands of dollars a day


He received loans for $75,000 & $100,000 from Bank of America, years after robbing that same bank

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